169 Gilmour St, Ottawa, ON K2P 0N8, Canada
45.416948197115, -75.688243941381
Williams Litigation Lawyers
Disability Insurance Lawyers Serving Ottawa / Eastern Ontario
Kelly invites you to contact him for a free consultation, without obligation, about your disability or other significant insurance policy denial.
Year Called to the Bar: 2007
Kelly Hart is a partner at Williams Litigation Lawyers and focuses his practice on civil litigation – including long term disability insurance claims and personal injury law.
His tenacity and work ethic are a reflection of Williams Litigation Lawyers approach to legal services. He sees himself as an advocate for clients — striving always for efficiency and to achieve quality results whether at trial or through negotiated resolutions.
The more challenging a case, the harder Kelly is motivated to work — and the greater the ultimate reward.
An Ottawa Disability Insurance Claim Lawyer Fighting Back for You
Big insurance companies know they have you at a disadvantage. They have LTD lawyers and adjusters that handle these claims every day. For you – its a one off occurrence. All too often their initial response is to deny your long term disability claim.
As a skilled negotiator familiar with disability insurance and contract law, Kelly has successfully obtained long term disability insurance benefits (LTD Benefits) for his clients that have been previously denied. Kelly Hart has resolved hundreds of LTD claims for his clients.
With an experienced Ottawa disability benefits lawyer advocating for you, Insurers know they can not play games and take your file seriously.
Kelly Hart handles all insurance related claims, including:
+ Personal Injury Claims
+ LTD Disability Denials (Long Term Disability Insurance Claims)
+ Life Insurance
+ Health Insurance
+ Property Insurance
+ Product Liability
+ Premises Liability
Areas of Practice:
+ Civil Litigation
+ Personal Injury Lawyer Ottawa
+ Personal Injury Lawyer North Bay
+ Insurance Defence
+ Municipal Liability
+ Long Term Disability Lawyer Ottawa
+ Professional Liability
Professional Memberships
+ The Law Society of Ontario
+ Canadian Bar Association
+ LL.B., University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario (2006)
+ B.A., (Political Science), Trinity Western University, Langley, British Columbia (2002)
The Ottawa Long Term Disability Insurance Lawyer You Choose Matters
After an LTD benefits insurance denial, not only is your health hanging in the balance, so is your financial future. The right lawyer can arrange for you to receive the LTD benefits that are rightfully yours – and that you dutifully paid into for years. Let Kelly pursue the insurance company for the coverage you are owed so you can focus on your health.
Williams Litigation Lawyers has been advocating for clients in Ottawa and Eastern Ontario who have been denied disability and other insurance coverage for over 30 years. Our experience speaks volumes.
Kelly invites you to contact him for a free consultation about your long term disability problem. No obligation.
He takes most LTD cases on a contingency basis, which means clients are not asked to pay up front for his professional services, and only pay legal fees out of any positive result he achieves.
Kelly can be reached via e-mail at khart@williamslitigation.ca or by phone at 613-237-0520 ext. 246 to discuss your Ottawa disability Insurance denial case. Alternatively, scroll down and submit the contact form.
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